Adding or Removing External Events from your Parish Site

In the main CMS side navigation, go to Events

Adding Events

Under Site Settings > Org Details, If your parish has opted to uncheck the Automatic Population box in your Feed Settings, then you will need to manually add available events to your site.

In the “Neighboring Events” and “Diocesan Events” tabs, you will see all of the available events that you can add to your parish site’s list of Events.

Every event will have an identifying badge to tell you which site the events are being promoted from, and a status badge to tell whether it has been added or excluded from your site.

If your organization has Automatic Population enabled in the Feed Settings, then all available events from the diocese and/or neighboring organizations will automatically be published on your site. From time to time, you may want to remove certain events from your site.

In the “Neighboring Events” and “Diocesan Events” tabs, you will see all of the events that are currently visible in your organization site’s list of events.

Every event will have an identifying badge to tell you which site the events are being promoted from, and a status badge to tell whether it has been added or excluded from your site.

When Automatic Population is on, the status badges will say “Auto-Added To Site” telling you that the event has automatically be added to your site’s list of events. 

Removing Events

Hover your mouse over the ellipsis menu, and the option will appear to “Remove from site.” Clicking on this link will remove the event from your site.

The status badge will now say “Excluded From Site” to confirm it has been removed.

Hovering your mouse over the ellipsis menu will display the option to “Add to site” in case you wish to re-add the event to your site.

When Automatic Population is off, the status badges will say “Auto-Excluded From Site” telling you that the event is not visible in your site’s list of events. 

Hover your mouse over the ellipsis menu, and the option will appear to “Add to site.” Clicking on this link will add the event to your site. The status badge will now say “In Site” to confirm it is live in your site's list of events.

Hovering your mouse over the ellipsis menu will display the option to “Remove from site.”

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