Download giving reports

The Transactions Reports module will allow you to download a .csv file of donations from a campaign or money received from a form.

In the side admin menu, click on "Giving" then click on "Reports".

Click on an existing report to edit it, or click on "New" to create a new report.

Title - Enter the title of the report so you can remember it for later.

Filter by date range - Choose the date when the transactions were made. Time is always in UTC.

  • Eastern Standard Time - subtract 5 hours from UTC
  • Central Daylight Time - subtract 5 hours from UTC
  • Central Standard Time - subtract 6 hours from UTC
  • Mountain Daylight Time - subtract 6 hours from UTC
  • Mountain Standard Time - subtract 7 hours from UTC
  • Pacific Daylight Time - subtract 7 hours from UTC
  • Pacific Standard Time - subtract 8 hours from UTC

Filter by a Campaign - Choose the filtered you want to download a report of. Leave it blank if you want to download all campaigns.

Export CSV

While editing a report, you can export a CSV file by hovering your cursor over the "v" arrow in the top right and click "Download CSV". An email with the file attached will be sent to you.

If you click update, you will be taken to the Transactions Reports page. You can export a CSV file by hovering your cursor over the "..." and click "Download CSV". An email with the file attached will be sent to you.

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