Create a campaign

Please note that you must use online giving with Tilma Pay to set up a campaign. If you're not sure how to set this up, please contact our support team for assistance.

To create a campaign, navigate to the admin side menu and select "Giving," then click on "Campaigns."

Click the "New" button on the top right to get started.

Add Campaign Settings

  1. Title - Enter the public facing name of the campaign.
  2. Image -Upload a featured image without text (should be at least 1,200 pixels wide) See the Featured Image article to learn more.
  3. View Option - Choose one of the three options for campaign style
    • Banner only - Appears as an option on the /giving page
    • Banner and page - Appears as an option on the /giving page and has it's own unique link.
    • Hidden - Doesn't appear on any public facing places in the website.
  4. Brief - Type a brief description of the campaign - this will display on your giving page.
  5. Website (optional) If you want the buttons on the Giving page to link out to an external website, enter the URL here.
  6. Credit Card Statement Text - This is the text that will appear on a donor's credit card statement. Enter a very short description or abbreviation of the campaign, which will be appended to your parish's name. For example, if you enter "SHARE LENT" in the credit card statement text field, then the text on a donor's statement will be: "ST. LUKE-SHARE LENT."

6.  Fund: This will be the accounting code for donations. A Fund can belong to multiple campaigns, but a campaign can only have 1 fund. Refer to the Create a fund article for more information.

7. Giving Form Settings - Edit the specifics of how you would like to collect donations for this campaign. Refer to the Giving Form Settings article to learn more.

Campaign Editor

If you have chosen the "Banner and page" view option, you will need to add content to the "page" part of your campaign. In the editor panel, you can add content to the page. Refer to the Intro to Content Editing article for more information.

Once you're done, click the "Publish" or "Update" button on the top right.

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