Intro to Content Editing

Whether you are creating or editing Pages, Emails, Ministries, Announcements, Events, Schools, or Resources, you have all the tools you need to format and edit text, photos, videos and custom HTML.

To edit existing text, simply click on a section and start making changes. This is a "live page editor" type of tool, so what you are typing is exactly what will be seen on the live site once your content is published or updated.

Quick Insert Tool

To add new text, click at the end of a line and hit return/enter. You will see a + sign, called the Quick Insert Tool, and a flashing cursor.

By clicking on the "+" icon, you have the choice to insert these items where your cursor is:

Photos – Place images on page, including adding captions and alt text 

Videos – Insert YouTube or Vimeo videos right into the body of the post, and they're fully responsive on mobile 

Ordered list - Creates a new set of ordered numbers starting at 1

Bullet points – Create new set of unordered bullet points

Horizontal lines – Separate sections on a page with a full-width line

Forms – Insert any forms created in the Forms tool

Insert Content Block – Insert links to other content in your site in attractive cards

Insert HTML Block – Embed raw HTML code from 3rd party apps and tools

Button insert – Add "Call to Action" buttons in the body and customize the link

Insert Accordion – Insert collapsible "accordion" sections, which allow you to condense large amounts of content into a small space

Formatting Tool

When you use your cursor to highlight text, formatting options will automatically appear:

Bold - Make the highlighted text bold

Italicized - Make the highlighted text slanted

Paragraph or Heading styles  - Choose to make the text normal, Heading 1, Heading 2, or Heading 3.

Ordered list - Create a list by numbers. Click the drop-down for other options such as letters, or roman numerals.

Bullet points - Create an unordered list with bullet points. Click the drop-down for other options such as empty circles, or squares.

Link to URLs or uploaded files - Link the highlighted text to another page, website, or file.

Emojis - Replace the highlighted text with an emoticon.

Block-quotes - Format the highlighted text as a block-quote.

Left aligned - Align the highlighted text to the left.

Center aligned - Align the highlighted text to the center.

When you are finished, click the "Publish" button (if this is the first time it is going live to the public) or the "Update" button (if this is an update to an existing post) at the top of the screen.

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