Edit your Main Menu

The Main Menu is a key element in your parish website’s navigation. This guide will help you edit and customize the Main Menu using Tilma's menus tool.

Steps to Access & Edit The Main Menu

1. Access the Main Menu

  • In the admin menu, click on Content.
  • Select Menus.
  • Click on Main Menu to open the editor.

2. Make Your Changes

3. Save your Changes

  • Click Save to save your changes.

4. Exit the Editor

  • Click Back to exit the editor.

Menu Design

Editing Design

To modify the menu design, head to the Section Settings.


  • Include Top Row Nav: Decide if the menu will have one or two rows.

Edit Font Styles

Customize font styles for the text in each of the three containers in each row: Left, Center, Right. Click on an element within a container to access and edit the font style for that specific area.


  • Sticky Nav (Bottom): Choose whether the bottom row stays visible or disappears as users scroll down the page on desktop.
  • Show Shadow: Option to add a shadow beneath the menu.
  • Dividing Line (Middle): Toggle a dividing line between the two rows.
  • Bottom Row Max Height: Set the max height (in pixels) for the bottom row.
  • Top Row Max Height: Set the max height (in pixels) for the top row.
  • Background Color: Set the background color for the menu.
  • Text Color: Set the text color for the menu text.

Menu Elements

Available Elements

  • Link: Create clickable buttons that link to internal pages or external sites. Links can also be turned into drop-down menus.
  • Logo: Display your site logo (uploaded in Site Settings > Appearance Settings) or the site name if no logo is uploaded.
  • Heading Text: Add unclickable text headings.
  • Languages: Show available language options if translations are enabled.
  • Site Search: Add a search icon for site-wide searches.
  • Member Log-in: Enable visitors to create and log into Tilma accounts on your site.
  • Site Menu: This displays your Main Menu in a sidebar format.
  • Diocese Menu: If part of a Tilma Diocese, add a link to display the Diocesan Menu.

Managing Menu Elements

Adding, Moving, & Removing Elements

  • Drag and Drop: Easily add elements to your menu by dragging them to any grey area. Rearrange by dragging them to a new position, or remove elements by selecting them and clicking the trash can icon.

Editing Elements​

Links, Heading Text, Site Menu, Diocese Menu:

  • Enter a URL or Page: Search for a page on your site, or enter a URL. (Works with: Links)

  • Edit: Modify the text of the element. (Works with: Links, Heading Text, Site Menu, Diocesan Menu)

  • Add Submenu: Convert a link into a drop-down menu. (Works with: Links)

  • Open in a New Tab: Option to open links in a new browser tab. (Works with: Links)

  • Highlight: Feature important links with a highlight. (Works with: Links)

  • Delete: Remove an element from your menu.

    Site Menu: Select from several display options.

    • Hamburger icon and text
    • Text only
    • Hamburger icon only

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