Display Only Collections

One of Tilma's features is the ability to create collections, which are sets of content organized around a specific topic or theme. In this article, we will explain how to use a "display only"  collection on your Tilma website.

Start by navigating to the "Collections" module.

Now, click "New" to create a new collection. You'll need to name it and select "Display Only" as the display type. Now click "Update".

Now that you've created your collection, you're able to go ahead and create collection items. Click "New" to create your first collection item. 

You're able to provide a:

  1. Title
  2. Subtitle
  3. Teaser Text (you're able to include hyperlinked text, such as an email or social media link)
  4. Image

Once you've added your details, click publish.

You can repeat this process to add as many collection items as you'd like. 

Once you've finished creating your collection, you can use the page builder to display your collection on a page. 

Tilma's page builder is being released for general use in a forthcoming update. In the meantime, if you'd like to display a collection on your website, please contact our support team

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