Intro to CMS Collections

Using Collections in Tilma

A collection in Tilma is a powerful tool that allows you to create and reference content throughout your CMS. Collections are a type of content, and individual pieces of content are called collection items. There are three types of collections available:

  1. Display Only: Use display only collections to highlight content on a page without directing the site user elsewhere. An example of this could be a collection of "Team Members."
  2. External Link: Use external link collections to group existing content from your site, a third-party site, or a combination of the two. You'll need the URLs of the content you want to link to.
  3. Editable Page: Use editable page collections to create a group of items with dedicated pages that live within the collection in the back-end of the CMS.

To access Collections in Tilma, simply open the module from the admin menu. 

Once you're in the module, you'll see a list of collections you've created. From the ellipses menu on the right, you can run a number of quick actions.

Alternatively, you can click on the name of a collection to open it, or create a new collection by clicking "New."

Collections are a powerful way to organize and manage your content in Tilma. If you have any questions or need assistance using Collections, please don't hesitate to contact our support team for help.

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