Giving Form Settings

When editing a Campaign or adding a Payment/Donation field to a form, you can tweak giving settings to maximize how donations are accepted on your giving page.

To edit these settings, use the main navigation and click "Giving" and then "Campaigns". You can also access these settings using the Payment/Donation form part.

Click on the campaign you would like to edit or create a new campaign.

Click "Giving form settings" at the bottom of the "Settings" tab.

The Giving Form Settings will open.

  1. Frequency Options  - Indicate to the donor what options they have to donate. 
  2. Amount Suggestions - Type up to 3 default options to make a one-time donation. Separate your choices using commas. eg. 10,50,100. The donor will always be able to enter a custom amount if they choose.
  3. Weekly Amount Suggestions - Only appears if weekly is selected as a frequency option. Use this to indicate the default options to make a weekly recurring donation. Separate your choices using commas. eg. 10,25,50. The donor will always be able to enter a custom amount if they choose.
  4. User sets payment count - Only appears if a recurring donation (#1) and fixed end date (#6) is selected. Allow the donor to decide how many payment weeks, months etc. they want to make. If this is turned off, the donations will continue until the Credit Card fails or expires.
  5. User sets total pledge (not transaction amount) - Only appears if recurring donations (#1) and user sets payment count (#4) is selected. Select this if you want the donor to indicate the total amount they want to give over time with smaller payments. Eg. If the donor enters $1000, the donor could choose to divide this into 25 payments of $40.
  6. Fixed end date - Only appears if recurring donations (#1) is selected). Allows you to choose a date when the last donation is made.
  7. Maximum amount of payment months - Allows you to set the maximum amount of payments that can be made. The donor may choose to choose less payments than this.
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